A Personal Workspace. Affordable Fees.

The Writers Room membership dues are paid monthly or twice a year as suits your needs.

Membership dues options are as follows:

Six-month commitment, full-time membership, 24 hours a day, billed once upon joining: $1,199 (the most economical option!)
Six-month commitment, full-time membership, 24 hours a day, billed monthly: $225 (less than $7.39 a day)
Six-month commitment, part-time membership, from 6pm around the clock to 6am, billed monthly: $199 (less than $6.55 a day)
Six-month commitment, weekends only membership, billed monthly: $159 (less than $5.25 a day) 
One month membership, out-of-towners only, 24 hours a day: $325 (less than $10.83 a day)

There is a one-time application processing fee of $75.00. All memberships are subsidized by grants, gifts, and contributions from our generous supporters and donors.

Questions about membership fees? Email us at writersroom@writersroom.org or call 212-254-6995.

